Ciência e Tecnologia Mobilidade Notícias

Inquérito sobre mobilidade ciclável

O Pedro Emauz Madruga está a fazer um Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia do Ambiente na FCT-UNL e, neste momento, a realizar a dissertação sob o tema: «Estratégias de Implementação da Mobilidade Ciclável» (raios partam este termo, bolas). Nesse âmbito anda a divulgar um inquérito a que podem responder aqui. Mais no Facebook. Colaborem!

Arte e Design Ciência e Tecnologia Desporto Imagens Insólito

Se achavam as ‘recumbent’ “esquisitas”…

Que dirão desta patinete reclinada invertida?

bicicleta voadora

Mais aqui.

Ciência e Tecnologia Eventos Leis e Códigos Lifestyle e Cultura Mobilidade Notícias Políticas

Bicycle Politics: symposium and workshop

Vai ter lugar nos dias 16 e 17 de Setembro deste ano, no Centre for Mobilities Research, na Lancaster University, em Lancaster, no Reino Unido, o simpósio e workshop “Bicycle Politics”.

Parece muito interessante! 🙂

The major role and relevance of bicycles and cycling to future life seems increasingly unquestionable. On the ground, projects across the world are committed to promoting cycling and/or cycling-oriented subcultures. In both theory and practice, there’s a real energy and vitality to think about cycling differently, to carve out alternative possibilities around the bicycle.

But if cycling is enjoying a renaissance, it is also under fire. Whilst almost everywhere people are pushing for cycling, it also seems that almost everywhere cycling is deeply problematic – contentious, oppressed, discriminated against.

Bicycles, cycling and cyclists seem to invoke love and hate in equal measure …

Bicycle Politics, a two day event hosted by the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) at Lancaster University, UK, aims to explore bicycles and cycling politically. By thinking creatively and critically, its political project is to help push bicycles and cycling further into the hearts of our cities and societies, to improve the possibilities for cycling to re-make our world, to assist cycling’s obvious potential to contribute to alternative, sustainable mobility futures.

To this end, we are calling for critical explorations of the political, social, cultural and economic barriers to current and future cycling, as well as for critical investigations of the ways in which bicycles, cycling and cyclists are currently framed.

We welcome all proposals for papers which fit under the broad heading of Bicycle Politics. Such contributions might examine:

• Cycling and political economies and ideologies

• The politics of cycling ‘promotion’

• Critiques of cycling

• Cycling and discriminations

• Cycling and inequalities

• Cycling, social control, freedom and deviance

• Cycling, space and the politics of space

• Cycling, social movements and social change

• Cycling and identity

• Cycling and the politics of representation

• Feminist perspectives on cycling

• Cycling and the law

The precise structure of the event will be decided later. But we anticipate the first day comprising paper presentations, with the second day given over to deeper explorations of the papers and ideas presented the previous day. Our intention is to produce an edited collection, Bicycle Politics, from the event.

If you wish to present a paper, please send title and abstract, by Wednesday 5th May 2010, to both:

Dave Horton – and Aurora Trujillo –

We aim for the symposium and workshop to be free and open to all. However, spaces could be limited. So if you would like to participate, but do not plan to present a paper, please email us to reserve a place.

Ciência e Tecnologia Notícias

Inquérito aos ciclistas

Recebemos um e-mail do Raul Pires, um aluno de mestrado do IST / MIT Portugal que, no âmbito da sua dissertação, está a fazer um inquérito sobre os critérios de decisão dos ciclistas na sua escolha de percursos na cidade, a apelar à divulgação do mesmo. Pois aqui está, preencham-no online aqui.

Ciência e Tecnologia Exemplos Imagens Infraestruturas e urbanismo Videos

Infraestruturas para bicicletas: rampas rolantes

O Bruno descobriu isto aqui há tempos, um vídeo sobre um sistema automatizado de estacionamento de bicicletas no Japão. Giro, mas o que me interessou mais foram na verdade as escadas de acesso ao local, com rampas ao lado para descer (largas e com mini-lombas) e com uma rampa rolante do outro lado para ajudar a subir as escadas com a bicicleta.

Sou sensível a isto, já experimentei subir as escadas sobre a estação de comboios de Belém com a bicicleta pela calha mas não consegui porque tinha a bicicleta carregada com coisas para passar um dia a passear e na praia…

Técnicos e políticos deste país, ponham os olhos nisto e gastem dinheiro em coisas destas!